The most important upgrade is also compulsory which means that Windows 10 users can opt out of it. Now it has been confirmed that the Windows 10 Anniversary Update has a major bug which causes PCs/laptops to freeze. The problem becomes even more severe for Windows 10 users is that they cant opt out of it and Microsoft says it has no fix for this freeze bug. The bug raised many queries on Microsoft Answers support site and ultimately Microsoft posted a new and self explanatory topic titled: ‘Windows 10 may freeze after installing the Anniversary Update’ and states there have been: Though the post says the issue has affected a small number of users, a Reddit thread shows that 1,000+ redditors say they have been affected. The number of affected Windows 10 Anniversary Update bug is reportedly higher than what the Redmond based company assumes because even the Microsoft Answers page already has 35 pages of comments from distressed users at the time writing this article. We have already written a several times about Microsoft issuing buggy patches and updates but this one takes the cake because even it doesnt seem to have fix for this critical problem which can freeze users PC/laptops because they cant even opt out of the update.