Moving one step further in a bid to curb illegal activity, WhatsApp has announced that it will start taking legal action against users and companies who misuse the app or send bulk messages to people in violation of its terms and conditions. “WhatsApp was designed for private messaging, so we’ve taken action to prevent bulk messaging and enforce limits on how WhatsApp can be used,” a spokesman for WhatsApp said. Further, the company has already got machine learning (ML) systems to identify illegal behavior on the messaging app that helps them ban two million accounts globally per month. “We have built sophisticated machine learning systems to detect abusive behavior and ban suspicious accounts at registration, during messaging, and in response to user reports. We remove over two million accounts per month for bulk or automated behavior – over 75% without a recent user report,” the company said. Currently, it is unclear what kind of legal action will be taken against those who violate the terms and conditions of the WhatsApp app. Does the company have plans to set up separate legal cells in all the countries that it is operational? Nothing is clear as of now. Keep watching this space for more updates, as this is a developing story. Also read– How to Create Your own WhatsApp Stickers