“Codenamed ‘Cosmic Cuttlefish,’ 18.10 continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs,” says Adam Conrad, Software Engineer, Canonical. Conrad further says, “The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the 4.18 based Linux kernel, our default toolchain has moved to gcc 8.2 with glibc 2.28, and we’ve also updated to openssl 1.1.1 and gnutls 3.6.4 with TLS1.3 support. Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS brings a fresh look with the community-driven Yaru theme replacing our long-serving Ambiance and Radiance themes. We are shipping the latest GNOME 3.30, Firefox 63, LibreOffice 6.1.2, and many others.” However, according to the release notes, there are some known issues that are given below.

After installing Cosmic alongside Cosmic, the resized filesystem is corrupted (bug 1798562) It has not been reported to happen if the original operating system is something else than Cosmic. When Ubuntu is reinstalled with preserving existing data, an error message is displayed due to “Could not get lock /target/var/cache/apt/archives/lock” (bug 1798369). The packages installed originally are not reinstalled and must be reinstalled manually. Although the user data is preserved. The screen reader doesn’t read the installer when executed from a live session (bug 1797861), is not auto-enabled on first login even if it’s been enabled during installation (bug 1796275) and the pages of the first run wizard are not read properly (bug 1797868). When disconnecting from VPNs, DNS resolution may become broken requiring a restart of resolved. $ sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service Bug 1797415. In an OEM installation, during user setup, the language selected is not taken into account (bug 1798554). The gnome-initial-setup Quit option from the application menu in the top bar doesn’t quit the application. If you want to quit g-i-s use quit from the dock menu instead.

Canonical also released the newest Ubuntu Budgie, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, and Xubuntu. Currently, the following Cosmic Cuttlefish versions are available for users:

Ubuntu (Download) (Release Notes) Kubuntu (Download) (Release Notes) Lubuntu (Download) (Release Notes) Ubuntu Budgie (Download) (Release Notes) Ubuntu MATE (Download)(Release Notes) Xubuntu (Download) (Release Notes)