Tor warns against possible attacks to disable its anonymiser network, issues a pleaGentle Appeal

Gentle Appeal

The Tor project dev team normally does not get involved, but in this circumstance it has decided to raise its voice. They have assured all of their users that their anonymity will not be compromised in the event that the network is successfully taken down. The wide range of Tor users are secure, for now. But the taking down of the network will mean an end to the anonymity of the web, that its users currently enjoy. Tor has released a plea statement to anyone who is listening in an attempt to change the hearts of the attackers. Based on reports, the take down appears to be funded by a nation state but Tor Dev team would not like to reveal the source which tipped it off regarding the attack.  Users will remember that Tor has unknown spies within both NSA and GCHQ who seem to warn them every time something connected to Tor is mentioned in the lobbies of the security services. The original statement made by the Tor Project follows: Resource Tor Blog.