However, Microsoft is not the first tech giant to have a change of heart. Google was the first tech firm to adopt this practice, followed by social networking giant Facebook, then Twitter, followed by Yahoo. For the past two years, Microsoft has offered alerts about potential security breaches without specifying the likely suspect and in a statement, the software giant has said the following: At this point, Microsoft has declined to say what kind of role if any, the Hotmail hacking campaign played in its policy change, but it is good to see that companies are refusing to work with the government to allow them to snoop in on the privacy of unsuspecting account users. Right now, the company has not stated on how it will alert users; telling them that the government is attempting to spy on them, but it looks like we will be receiving some form of notifications through our emails. In the process, Microsoft could also be looking to incorporate a stronger firewall to keep hackers at bay but it looks like we will wait for further updates for this story to develop.