The net result of Microsoft’s Edge push is that Internet Explorer’s market share is spiralling downwards and Google Chrome is the only browser to benefit from the slide.

As can be seen from the new report by NetMarketShare, Internet Explorer fell from 44.79% to 43.40% while Chrome went from 36.56% to 39.09%, which is quite a substantial jump. Surprisingly, only Chrome seemed to be gaining in market share as Firefox, Safari, and Opera, all lost substantial user base, the biggest loser was Firefox which went from 11.68% to just 10.54% market share. Microsoft’s Edge browser has seen an increase in users but not enough to explain Internet Explorer’s 1.39% decrease, which must mean users decided to ditch Internet Explorer, for Chrome. During the same period, Edge rose to 3.55% up from February when it was at 3.02% market share, an increase of 0.53%. The rate at which Chrome is piling up users, it will not be long before it becomes the numero uno browser in the world.

Internet Explorer still the most used browser  but will soon lose to Google s Chrome   TechWorm - 25