The TRAI website was earlier taken down by Anonymous on Monday after it published the email ids of 1 million petitioners in favour of Net Neutrality exposing them to spam and spear phishing attacks. -However by Monday, TRAI security team had managed to get things under control and the website was function properly only to leak a bizarre love letter today. The Anonymous India have warned TRAI of further attacks until the email ids published online are removed by them.

— AnonOpsIndia (@opindia_revenge) April 28, 2015 The attack comes in the backdrop of the regulatory authority uploading about one million comments on net neutrality that it had received, along with the senders’ names and email IDs, on Monday.

— AnonOpsIndia (@opindia_revenge) April 28, 2015 This is what a user had to say about TRAI

— Deepan Devraj (@deepandevraj) April 28, 2015